Top tips to become financially free


Top tips to become financially free


As a fellow business owner, I know that we all have the goal of having more freedom and also making more money for our company. This is why we work hard to try to scale up and grow. I recently chatted to entrepreneur Jason Greystone, who gave me some great tips on what it takes to become financially free as a business owner.  


Jason was able to become financially free before the age of 30, which meant having an income generated by systems that didn’t rely on him to work. He started in the construction industry, and through his business savvy and experience got to where he is today.  


I really wanted to get his feedback on how he developed this freedom. When we spoke he told me that financial freedom isn’t about working harder and having a higher net-worth, but it is created from having a free mind.  


Jason gave me three tips that he found useful in his journey to free his mind and ensure financial freedom. They were: 


1. Manage your time wisely.

Think about what actions you can take that will give you back time. One thing that works really well for this is time blocking, setting aside specific time in your schedule for tasks and making sure you stick to it. Also ask yourself: What systems can I use to replace my work to give me more time? Look at your business closely and put these systems in place as soon as you can to start getting the benefits.  

2. Make sure you delegate.

All of the jobs you don’t like and find a struggle, delegate it to someone else. Ask yourself: How much of your income do you need to be able to delegate these tasks elsewhere? Doing this will mean that you have the time and headspace to work on developing your business.  

3. Try to be mobile.

Being mobile is 70% of being free. All you have to do after that is work out how to make your income more passive, and then you can achieve total financial freedom.  



Jason also said that having six months of living costs in cash, in the bank, can be another way to free your mind. It will take the pressure off and also help you to enjoy your work more. It will change your outlook and make you more free to explore opportunities in your business.   


To hear more of Jason’s advice, make sure you check out Episode 4 of the Develop your construction business Podcast here.


Would you like to learn other ways to help you grow and scale your business? Are you interested in winning big projects that will give you more freedom in your business and personal life? Join me for an eight-week master class ideal for companies looking to expand rapidly. Find out more here 

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Book in a Scale Session™️

Step 2

The Freedom Roadmap™️

Step 3



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